THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Two Thousand Twelve

Happy New Year!!

My 2012 New Year's resolution is to watch more movies and write more reviews!

Well, it's sort of a real resolution.

If you are a regular reader (Rebekah!) or just happen to come upon my site, here's what you have to look forward to in 2012:

--March is the month of musicals! March will include:

*An American in Paris *Singin' in the Rain *Seven Brides for Seven Brothers *On the Town *Guys and Dolls *Shall We Dance *Swing Time *My Fair Lady *Summer Stock *The Sound of Music *Oklahoma *The King and I *Hello, Dolly!

and more! Should be a fun month for me, especially. I'm sure I'll be singing a lot in March.

My favorite director, Alfred Hitchcock, died on April 29, 1980. So the month of April will be dedicated to Hitch, The Master of Suspense!! Movies to include:

*Saboteur *To Catch a Thief *Vertigo *Torn Curtain *North by Northwest *The Thirty-Nine Steps *Rich and Strange *Notorious *Lifeboat *Shadow of a Doubt *I Confess *Dial 'M' for Murder *Rope *Easy Virtue (sounds interesting...!) *The Trouble With Harry *The Man Who Knew Too Much *Rebecca *Rear Window *Marnie *Strangers on a Train

I might even try to watch "Spellbound" with Gregory Peck. I mean, it stars Peck; not that I would watch it with him. Unfortunately.

More random ones include:

The Swiss Family Robinson *The Parent Trap *17 Again *Sabrina *Roman Holiday *Ever After *Secondhand Lions *Music and Lyrics *The Wedding Singer *13 Going on 30 * The Blues Brothers

Many more movies to come, though I don't know about any more theme months or weeks. Those are always fun, so I'll try to come up with more of those ideas. Maybe....

-A week of Jane Austen? (Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Emma, Mansfield Park)
-Star Wars (only the classics!)
-Lord of the Rings
-Disney classics (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, The Lion King, etc.)
-The 80's (Romancing the Stone, Look Who's Talking, The Princess Bride, Overboard, etc.)

Some films may be repeats from last year (example: I already reviewed a few Hitchcock films, and I will re-post them in April), but I promise never to re-post an awful film. Those don't even deserve one post.


  1. Have you ever seen "Ask Any Girl" with Shirley MacLaine? I think you'd really like it!

  2. No, I haven't seen this! And it's not on Netflix, or at least not yet. I'll have to look for it, thanks! :)
