THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Forrest Gump, 1994

Thursday Movie Connection!!
Robin Wright--Tom Hanks

Director: Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Romancing the Stone, Cast Away)

Stars: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise

SPOILERS!! This review is really just me writing my thoughts as I watch it......

Okay, so I remember this movie, or bits of it, anyway, from long ago. Wow, what a weird movie. First of all, what was my mom thinking to allow me to watch this? This has way too much sex and innuendo and nudity in it. I doubt I will ever be watching this again. Too much dirtiness. But it's also funny.

A very funny part is when he's talking about how easy the Army is: he narrates, "And you always end everything with 'Yes, Drill Sergeant!" and then he yells it with the rest of his unit. "YES, DRILL SERGEANT!!!" His face, and the way he moves his head, is priceless.

The way he looks at the world is simple and sweet. But it's so sad, too. When Jenny (Wright) tells him he doesn't know what love is, I wanted to cry. It's so messed up. SHE is the one who doesn't know. When his letters are returned to him unopened, I hated her. And almost cried. And then they were reunited in D.C. -- and I almost cried again!

When he asks Jenny if little Forrest is smart or if he's like him, and he can't even say it, he's so choked up. That's the most beautiful moment to me.

Lieutenant Dan's hair is nice. I couldn't figure out why I both loved and hated it. Until I realized that it's exactly like mine. Curly wavy hair. You love it and hate it.

Good soundtrack. I love oldies!

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