THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Thursday 1 September 2011

just the classics!

Starting September right!

I am so excited! Last week, I received a $25 Amazon gift card, and that is like giving me GOLD, I swear. I love, and with $25 to spend, I was in heaven! (And I only actually spent $6.50 above the $25, so that was pretty good! Six movies for $6.50!!)

Except for the last one, I need to get to watching and reviewing! And I'm so excited about doing so! :)

I ended up finally going for a 4 pack of Fred and Ginger movies:

Top Hat, 1935
Swing Time, 1936
The Gay Divorcee, 1932
Shall We Dance, 1937

I love Fred and Ginger and their simple romantic comedies. I know these are ridiculous, "screwball" comedies, but somehow I excuse it, and look past it to the beauty of the dances and the love story. And Fred Astaire!

I also purchased on of the best movies ever made:

It Happened One Night, 1934

This one was an accidental find on TCM. I distinctly remember I was intrigued because of the title, and then I read the description: "Two strangers share a cabin one night when their bus breaks down." I had to watch it after that! And, though that's not the whole story, it certainly does not disappoint!

And last, but never least: one I reviewed just a few weeks ago:

His Girl Friday, 1940

One of the best comedies, EVER! "Excuse me, Madam, are you referring to ME?"

I practically die laughing every time.

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