THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Thursday 29 September 2011

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

(Don't worry! I'm not about to list them all!!!!!)

I swear it would take me days to record them all. Also, a lot of them are just "here's a great example of this genre" so go and watch this one! But I am not into watching movies just to watch movies- there has to be some entertainment. There has to be beauty, and fun, and happiness, and if there is sadness, it has to be a noble sadness; somebody sacrificially doing something, or dying for someone or whatever. I am not into watching movies about idiots who destroy themselves and the people around them, for no reason. Or for any reason, actually. Where is the beauty in death and evil, unless somehow redemption comes after?

I actually did browse this whole book! I am so proud of myself! And I came away with about 50 movies from 1001 that I would want to watch. (And review for my readers!) And some of the 50 I have actually already seen and just need to watch again and review them.

So, without further ado, here's the list! Sorry, no pictures, just years and a description, if I remember it!

The 1930's
She Done Him Wrong, 1933 (with Mae West and Cary Grant)
The Thin Man, 1934 (about Agatha Christie's Nick and Nora)
Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935 (Clark Gable!)
The Awful Truth, 1937 (Cary Grant and Irene Dunne)
Gone With the Wind, 1939 (Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh- believe it or not, I've never seen the whole thing. It always looked too depressing.)

The 1940's
The Maltese Falcon, 1941 (Humphrey Bogart- film noir- seen it and love it!)
To Have and Have Not, 1944 (Bogart and Bacall- can't wait)
Gaslight, 1944 (Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten- I love Bergman, so this could be good!)
Spellbound, 1945 (Gregory Peck, and directed by Hitch; I've always skirted it, because it's about crazy people and I don't like it when people go crazy, but I think I will try it out)
The Best Years of Our Lives, 1946 (about coming home from war, so this could be a tear-jerker)
La Belle et La Bete, 1946 (that's French for "Beauty and the Beast", and call me crazy, but I want to see it!)
The Big Sleep, 1946 (Bogart and Bacall- I have seen this, but I don't remember it at all)
Letter From An Unknown Woman, 1948 ( I can't remember what it was about, but apparently somebody is reading a letter from a woman, who is now dead- like when he is reading it- she is dead. Could be sad?)
Red River, 1948 (a western remake of Mutiny on the Bounty- with John Wayne, the king of Westerns! This could be brilliant. There are times when I just want to watch a Western.)

The 1950's
The African Queen, 1951 (one of my all-time favorites! Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart- in Africa. It's absolutely wonderful.)
Roman Holiday, 1953 (I own this and love it, dearly. But to me, it is one of the only tear-jerkers I actually love.)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1956 (Ok, I don't usually go for sci-fi that isn't Star Wars, but as long as it isn't actually scary I kinda want to see this. Mainly, because I think it could be funny nowadays. Maybe not.)
The Ten Commandments, 1956 (starring Charlton Heston. Hey, this could be cool, right?)
Twelve Angry Men, 1957 (it's about a jury deciding the fate of a guy. Henry Fonda stars. I like Henry Fonda, and the summary sounded interesting.)
Rio Bravo, 1959 (a western, and I'm pretty sure it has John Wayne)

The 1960's
Goldfinger, 1964 (Yes the Bond one. With Sean Connery, my favorite Bond!)
A Hard Day's Night, 1964 (yes, I am going to at least start watching it.)
Hombre, 1967 (Paul Newman--- enough said!!!!)
Cool Hand Luke, 1967 (ditto)
Bonnie and Clyde, 1967 (Well, it could be interesting.)

The 1970's
American Graffiti, 1973 (I cannot spell graffiti without looking!!! Anyway, I want to see how Harrison got his start...)
The Muppet Movie, 1979 ( I have never seen the whole thing. And why not, I ask myself? I love the muppets! So, I need to see this!)
(haha, only 2 from the 70's! Well, actually 3, since Star Wars is listed below. But still! This is apparently my least-favorite decade, movie-wise.)

The 1980's
The Breakfast Club, 1985 (I've seen it and I like it, now I have to share it. Sometimes I do ask myself though, WHY do I like it? It's kinda depressing.)
Ferris Beuller's Day Off, 1986 (Once again, I've never seen the whole thing. I have a vague memory of a car being destroyed? Could be great.)
Broadcast News, 1987 (Netflix is always recommending this one to me- I think I will finally watch it and just see what all the fuss is about. It better be good, Netflix!)
Rain Man, 1988 (I've never watched the whole thing. It's rated R, so if it's awful, don't expect me to finish it)

The 1990's
Strictly Ballroom, 1992 (Heck yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this wonderful Australian dancing movie!!! )
Forrest Gump, 1994 (It's literally been more than a decade since I have seen this one. Needless to say, I'm sure I didn't understand anything in it. I want to try it again.)
Muriel's Wedding, 1994 (once again, Australian! Hey, Australia had something in the 90's didn't they?)
Clueless, 1995 (This Emma story is ridiculous- I have probably seen it 20 times with my sister Marie)
Independence Day, 1996 (this is one of those movies I can't stop watching when I accidentally find that it's on while channel-surfing, which is an activity I almost NEVER do. If I turn that tv on, I usually have something specific to watch. But when this one is on, I just can't look away!!!)
L.A. Confidential, 1997 (I think I have actually seen this one, but I don't remember anything about it. Could be awful, like a film noir, or cool like a film noir. We will see. I should have a special section on my blog for the films I couldn't finish! Those films that are just too awful to finish should somehow be represented.)

And, because they span the decades, I will just add here that I also want to watch 3 fantastic trilogies:

Star Wars (1977, 1980, 1983)
Indiana Jones (1981, 1984, 1989)
Lord of the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003)

Well, almost 50 movies. There were also a lot of the 1001 movies in the book that I didn't list here, which I have seen and do love. A lot of old movies; and some of them I still have to review! The Philadelphia Story, and Casablanca, just to name two....

Let the movie-watching begin!

(Man, I wish I could get paid for this.....)

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