THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Friday 25 November 2011

Black Friday Movies!

Every Black Friday, and the week leading up to it, I always pay attention to the movie sales around town. Target, Walmart, and Big Lots, especially.

I love Target's deals. In the past I have been able to get seasons of my favorite tv shows for $12! Now that is a great price! Usually the price is above $30, and here I get it for $12!

Plus, some movie deals are absolutely brilliant: last year I bought "17 Again" (shut up- I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zac Efron) for $1.99.

This year, here's my list of deals:


Target: I found "It Happened to Jane" for $4.99! I love this movie, and reviewed it a couple months ago. It is completely worth owning, and I was very happy to get it for such a great price.
Big Lots: "Ocean's Eleven" for $5! YAY!! See my review of this one a few months ago to see just how excited about this deal I really am!!!!!!!!!!

Black Friday:
Target: "Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian" for only $3.99! I really like these movies, and this one is a gift. I also found "The Princess Bride" for $3.99, and though I own it already, I bought it because mine has a scratch and I miss some of it every time I watch. And this is a better deal than my other deal last year!
Big Lots: "Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer" for $3. Shut up, I am a fan. Probably my biggest celebrity crush of all time- that's Gene Kelly. I know he's dead, but I still dream about him sweeping me off my feet, sometimes....
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" for $1.88. For it being such a classic, I think that was probably the best deal of the day! Or maybe not, since people are not watching classics anymore, it seems.
"Her Alibi" for $3. Okay, I did something I have NEVER done before. I bought a movie I have never seen before. I didn't take that much of a risk, so it's fine if I hate it. It's starring Tom Selleck and some girl I've never heard of, and I have a crush on Tom Selleck, so I hope I like it.

Time to knit Christmas presents and watch movies. :)

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