THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap Year, 2010

Director: Anand Tucker

Stars: Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, John Lithgow, Adam Scott

Anna (Adams) decides to follow her boyfriend Jeremy (Scott) to Dublin, after her father tells her of an old Irish tradition: on February 29 women are allowed to propose to their boyfriends. (I would just like to say: I think it's a cute concept, except I would never do it, and a woman is allowed to propose any da*n day of the year, so it's all kind of stupid!)

So, of course, this is an Irish road trip movie, because every bad thing you can imagine happening happens. Her plane hits turbulent weather and is rerouted to Wales, where Anna is forced to take a boat over to Ireland, and because of the bad weather, she lands on the far side, a long way from Dublin. And so she has no choice but to hire ruggedly handsome, American-hating innkeeper Declan (Goode) to drive her to Dublin.

Yes, this is the part where it gets really interesting....

Okay, two things I hate, and otherwise, I love this movie.

1. I hate how it's always the rich, city girl who goes places and everybody laughs at her because she knows nothing and she's a fish out of water and she's wearing high heels, and of course, we all know that no one in Ireland wears high heels. So, I hate that movies are always like this----BUT I thought about it, and it makes sense, because rich girls who wear impractical shoes are the only ones who can afford to go to Ireland and other exotic places to make fools of themselves. We practical girls with our practical flats are busy working normal jobs and just can't afford it.

2. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the wedding reception scene. Why did THAT have to happen??? I hate it when people in movies embarrass themselves, and I don't think other people feel this way, so you probably won't mind.

It's good, I just had to get those two things taken care of. Thanks for reading my rant. Now go watch the movie!

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