THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Walk, Don't Run, 1966

Stars: Cary Grant, Samantha Eggar, and Jim Hutton
Director: Charles Walters

My good friend Netflix has been recommending this film to me for ages, and I finally decided to give it a chance when I discovered that it was a remake of "The More the Merrier", which I reviewed on April 5th. The More the Merrier was rather lame, and I was disappointed that they didn't do more with it. It just could have been cuter. I was very eager to see what the remake would be like!

This film, made 23 years later, is very nearly the same, but definitely better than The More the Merrier, in my humble opinion. Does that make sense? The setting is Japan at the Olympics (rather than D.C.), so of course there is a housing shortage, causing Eggar to sublet her house to Grant, who sublets his half to Hutton, and then plays matchmaker. A couple things make the 1966 version better: 1. Cary Grant. Enough said. This was his last film, and he shines as always. Very funny! 2. Samantha Eggar doesn't cry as much as Jean Arthur did. (That was a bit depressing at the end of the 1943 film. Not really romantic, but I guess realistic.)

One thing I still don't get is the title. "Walk, Don't Run". I suppose it makes sense when you find out Hutton's event in the Olympics. (Sorry for spoiling!) But to use it for the title doesn't seem to make sense....

All in all, a cute film. This one is worth watching, if you just want a cute comedy, with a little bit of romance.

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