THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Sunday 12 June 2011

His Girl Friday, 1940

Director: Howard Hawkes
Stars: Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy

(Try to get past that crazy hat!)

Journalist Hildy Johnson (Russell) is getting married again and leaving news work altogether for a chance at a normal life. Before leaving for Albany with her fiance Bruce Baldwin (Bellamy) and his mother, she decides to say goodbye to her former employer, editor of the Morning Post- also her ex-husband- Walter Burns (Grant). Surprised to see his ex after so many months, Walter, a lovable schemer, will stop at nothing to win her back to their crazy, haphazard journalist lifestyle.
He convinces her to do one last story for him: a jobless man who shot a cop, but claims he didn't mean to, though he's not insane. Hildy interviews him, and, ever the journalist, knows just how to spin it. But things go a little haywire when the convicted man escapes, and Hildy is the one who finds him.

They speak so FAST in this movie! It drives me a little crazy the way they interrupt each other- everyone does this- and talk over each other. (I guess it's supposed to be more realistic, but it's not really familiar in film, you know? But I get over it quickly when I get into the story. I laughed and laughed. So many of Grant's lines are just brilliant.

FACT: At one point in the film, Grant talks about "Archie Leech" as the last person to get on his bad side. Archie Leech is Cary Grant's real name. There's some trivia for you.

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