THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Stardust, 2007

Director: Matthew Vaughn
Stars: Claire Danes, Charlie Cox, Mark Strong, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert de Niro, Rupert Everett, with Rick Gervais and Peter O'Toole

I think it's funny that the photo I found for this has a "two thumbs up" on the bottom. I agree!

It's a fairy tale! We need more of these!

Tristan Thorne (Cox) lives in England in a village called Wall, so named for the wall that runs alongside it, which, according to legend, hides a mysterious and magical land called Stormhold.
His life is turned upside-down when he witnesses a shooting star that falls somewhere beyond the wall.

There are several story-lines in this movie, including: 1. Tristan's mission to find the shooting Star-who, he is surprised to find, is actually a beautiful woman named Yvaine (Danes)- and bring her back to Wall for his "love" Victoria. 2. The princes of Stormhold (Mark Strong and Rupert Everett, to name 2) search for the necklace that their father the King (O'Toole) threw into the heavens on his deathbed, saying that whoever finds it will become the next king. This is what knocked the star out of the heavens, by the way. 3. A witch (Pfeiffer) and her sisters also search for the star, because if you eat a star's heart you will live forever, of course.

And there's so much more!!! I absolutely love Robert de Niro's surprising role as Captain Shakespeare! He's hysterical!

5 stars easy. I think this movie has a little bit of everything for everyone, really. You can't not be entertained! Okay, so I really love it.


  1. remember when we saw this in Guildford??? I hardly remember anything about it, except Michelle Pfeiffer. Must see it again, soon!

  2. Yes, that was the first time I'd seen it! I think you'll like it! (I mean, when you watch it again!)
