THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Vertigo, 1958

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Stars: James Stewart, Kim Novak

There are a few films out there (well, probably a lot more than a few, actually) that are truly meant to be watched on a rainy day. And Hitch knew how to make them.

Detective John "Scottie" Ferguson (Stewart) was on the force for years before he discovered he has acrophobia (fear of heights) while chasing a criminal. When the man dies, having fallen from a building while being pursued by Scottie, Scottie takes an early retirement, knowing he can't do his job while suffering from acrophobia.

A few months later an old friend, Gavin Elster, looks him up. Elster heard about his early retirement and acrophobia, but wants Scottie to follow his wife. Elster suspects that the spirit of his wife's grandmother, Carlotta, who committed suicide many years ago, is possessing his wife. He fears that Carlotta's spirit will cause his wife to commit suicide, as well.

Scottie begins to follow the beautiful and mysterious Mrs. Elston (Novak), and begins to become obsessed with her. A wonderful and chilling mystery follows......

I can't give too much away, it's brilliant! It's very suspenseful, very colorful, very crazy! I especially love the effects of Scottie's dream/nightmare. Stewart's disembodied head against a swirl of color. It's so funny! Sorry, Hitch.

But this movie was made for a rainy day, I promise!


  1. This is one difference between your viewing tastes and mine. I do not like Hitchcock. This and Harvey are the only two that I've seen. It has been years since I watched them, but I just remember hating them. Don't know if I could be convinced to watch them again.

  2. But Harvey wasn't directed by Hitchcock. It DID have Jimmy Stewart in it though. I HATED Harvey, too! To be honest, it kinda freaked me out. I just don't want to think about giant rabbits following people around, you know?

  3. But yeah, I love Hitchcock because of all the suspense! So great! He also did at least one comedy (The Trouble With Harry). And "To Catch a Thief" is more romantic and sweet than suspenseful- wait, seriously, Rebekah, have you seen "To Catch a Thief"? Honestly, I know it's Hitchcock, but you'd LOVE it!!

    I've been planning a Hitchcock week on here! And since you are the only one who reads it, it seems pointless now, but I'm going to do it anyway! :)

  4. I'm sure I'm not the only one who reads it!

    So I guess that I've only seen one Hitchcock film then... Go ahead and do your Hitchcock week and then I will feel like I've seen them all. : )
