THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Friday 17 June 2011

State of the Union, 1948

Director: Frank Capra
Stars: Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Van Johnson, Angela Lansbury

The description on Netflix didn't interest me, but I watched it because it's one of the many Tracy-Hepburn films, and I want to see them all.

Kay Thordyke (Lansbury) is the hardened editor of a newspaper in D.C., who chooses Grant Matthews (Tracy) as a Republican candidate for the Presidency, and uses her power and the paper to support him. He's a nice guy, but separated from his wife Mary (Hepburn) and in a relationship with Kay. At Kay's suggestion, Grant invites Mary along on the campaign (mostly for the appearance of having a wife's support), and she joins him. Though their relationship hasn't healed, she still believes in her husband and wants to do everything she can to help. But he soon sells out, and starts making speeches about the things he doesn't believe are right, just trying to get the votes.

I wouldn't have been interested if this wasn't a Tracy-Hepburn movie, to be totally honest. And because I love Angela Lansbury from Murder She wrote, it's hard to see her in something else, in which she is a mean, selfish, home-wrecker. It wasn't a bad movie, but I usually stay away from political ones unless they are comedies or thrillers. The ideas Grant Matthews start spouting in one part are scary. He stands for "one world government, one world currency," blah, blah. Yikes! Good thing the story was really about staying true and not being a corrupt politician. It really wasn't bad. Great ending! A must-see for all the Tracy-Hepburn fans out there like me! :) I have a crush on Spencer. He has a dreaminess about him. I want to see him in something where he's really young. Maybe he was even dreamier....

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