THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Three Men and a Baby, 1987

Director: Leonard Nimoy
Stars: Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson, Nancy Travis

First of all- AHHHHHH!!!!!! SPOCK directed this!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea til now!!!!! Can't wait to tell my Trekkie bro Matt!

Well, that's out of the way. This is such a cute comedy.

This whole thing is a SPOILER!
Three roommate bachelors are living the single man's dream:great apartment, lots of women coming and going, and plenty of parties. After agreeing to take care of a "sensitive package" for a friend, actor Jack (Danson) leaves for a film shoot in Turkey. The day the "package" is to arrive, his roommates Peter (Selleck) and Michael (Guttenberg), are shocked to find a baby in a basket on their doorstep. A note explains the baby, Mary, is Jack's. The mother, Sylvia (Travis), is sorry to leave her, but can't deal with it right now. In all the confusion of the moment, another package arrives and is tossed aside carelessly.

Assuming that Mary is the "package" Jack told them was coming, Michael and Peter, furious with the absent Jack, put their lives on hold to deal with the baby until it's to be picked up a few days later. But when the men who are to pick up the "package" arrive, Peter gets a bad feeling about them. He then finds the other package, just as the guys leave with the baby, and discovers heroin inside.

They chase down the guys and get Mary back, leaving the formula can, which the bad guys believe contains the drugs. But now Peter and Michael have the baby and the drugs, as well as detectives and the bad guys watching them.

I love it! I especially love the sequel Three Men and a Little Lady, soon to be viewed and reviewed!

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