THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

In a Day, 2006

Director: Evan Richards
Stars: Lorraine Pilkington, Finlay Robertson

I don't know how I found this. Netflix is so great! This is one of those indie-dramas, and usually I am not into those, but anything that takes place in the UK I have a bit of interest in, and then as it went on, I found I really liked it!

Ashley (Pilkington) is having a very bad day (I almost turned it off when a guy started using the most awful language toward her, and then threw his hot coffee on her! Actually, I did turn off at the language part, and then just as it turned off he threw his coffee, and I was curious as to how she was going to react so I turned it back on, and after that I watched the whole thing.). Then a stranger, Michael (Robertson), offers to buy her a drink, then they go shopping, then lunch, then she gets her hair done. Michael tells her that someone wants her to have a great day, and that is why he's doing all this.

Besides the language- which for England is normal, I suppose- I loved it. So I don't want to say anything else about it. I will say, though, that I liked how they weren't super famous people, and they were very normal-looking. I mostly watched it because Michael was so sweet and real. I could imagine him as my own friend.

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