THURSDAY MOVIE CONNECTION. Every Thursday in 2012, I am connecting movies through actors.

March is all MUSICALS!

In honor of Alfred Hitchcock's death on April 29, 1980, April is dedicated to Hitch, and all my favorites.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Pat and Mike, 1952

Director: George Cukor
Stars: Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn

Tracy and Hepburn.

I swear, kids these days don't even know who these two are! But Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn were once household names, like bacon and eggs.

In this one, their 7th movie together (do stars ever do that anymore? Who makes 7 movies with one person? Ok, probably a lot of stars still do...), Pat (Hepburn) plays an athlete who needs a manager, and that's where Mike (Tracy) comes in. As a story, I didn't really care about it, to be perfectly honest. It was just another sports/slight romance story. The scene on the cover (above) is the best one!

But these actors! Legendary! Brilliant! Hilarious! So great together! I didn't know what to think at first- I believe the first film I saw them in together was "Desk Set", and I was really confused as to why they should like each other at first. They seemed like opposites to me. And maybe they were. But, oh boy, did I ever fall in love with Spencer Tracy! Their chemistry is wonderful to watch!

Want an enjoyable film? This will do just fine. But "Desk Set" is my favorite of theirs so far!

(And by "so far", I mean, of course, that I have not yet seen them all; because they are both dead, unfortunately, so they won't be making any more. Just needed to clear that up.)

Fact: The American Film Institute named Katherine the top female star in the history of American cinema! And Spencer Tracy ranked #9 for men. (Humphrey Bogart got #1.) Pretty cool!

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